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Ultimate Basque Cooking Class and Market Tour

  • San Sebastián
  • Gastronomie

Few Basque culinary experiences are more authentic than going to a traditional market, carefully selecting the material, and going to a private 'txoko' to prepare the meal. And of course, devouring it with a good wine or the best cider. How is it possible to access the highest level of the Basque gastronomic aristocracy? Iksunahi has the key. ;-)

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4 à 12 persones


4 pax: 940€

Extra person: +225€

Child (10-17): +185€

For groups bigger than 6 people contact us 


4h à 5h


Professional local chef, ingredientes and recipes, selection of local specialities, traditional menu, drinks selection and water. 


Any food and beverages not listed above. 


10:00h / 17:00h

Please note! Market Tour is only available in the morning. 

To eat well, you have to buy well. What better place that at a traditional market (Est. 1870), where the main restaurants in San Sebastián buy local products? Our guide will take you through some thirty stalls of fresh fish, meat and produce, and will explain Basque cuisine top to bottom. A hint at its essence: tradition, respect for the product (no ketchup on steak…), and a standard of quality and closeness.

Learning the secrets

Obviously, you don’t go to the kitchen to chat, but to cook. Now is the time to prepare some delicacies from the so-called ‘miniature cuisine’. That's it: PINTXOS! We’ll prepare two cold and one hot so that the feast begins little by little, with some appetizers. Then we'll make a presentation of a local cheese to round off the entrees. Ahh! And some Iberico ham with grated tomato.. Yummy! The main course will be fish. It should be noted: fish is a religion in the Basque Country, a highly revered product that is cooked with respect and with just the right elements to enhance its flavor (not to disguise it). Don't add lemon, oh my god! Our chef will guide you through the process, teach you little tricks and explain the history behind the products and recipes. For dessert? A piece of pantxineta, a typical cake from Gipuzkoa made of puff pastry, cream and toasted almonds. You bring the interest and passion, Ikusnahi brings the laughs and good vibes. Now for the most complicated and difficult part of the process. Eat what’s been cooked with a selection of local wines! Be brave, and good luck! ;-)


Our workshop is a global experience that goes beyond cooking and eating. We’ll dive deeply into the history of Basque culture and its passionate relationship with food. Where does this love come from? Why do Basques like to eat so much? Why do they drink so much? What secrets does “Basque cuisine” hold? How did pintxos come to be, and why have they become a worldwide phenomenon? We’ll answer these questions and any others you might have - or at least, we’ll try!

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